On March 26, 2025, the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic hosted an International scientific and practical conference within the framework of the EU project “Erasmus+ HWCA: “Strengthening Higher education in the water sector to ensure climate sustainability and security in Central Asia.”

On March 26, 2025, an International Scientific and Practical Conference on Innovations and sustainable solutions for the water sector: the role of higher education in ensuring climate sustainability and water security in Central Asia was held online at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic. The conference was held within the framework of the EU Erasmus+ project Strengthening Higher Education in the Water Sector to ensure Climate Resilience and Security in Central Asia (HWCA).

The conference was moderated by Jorobekova Ainur Eshimbekovna, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of International Relations and Law at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic. In his welcoming speech, the Rector of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, Akylbek Mukaevich Kylychev, stressed the importance of strengthening water security in Central Asia and training specialists capable of solving environmental and climate challenges in the region. Janara Abdyldaevna Baitugolova, coordinator of the HWCA project, Vicerector of the Diplomatic Academy, noted the importance of educational programs aimed at solving water problems and emphasized the role of projects such as HWCA in sharing experiences and developing sustainable solutions for the water sector.

The conference was attended by representatives of the partner universities of the project from Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, as well as undergraduates of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic in the following areas: Water diplomacy in the regional system of international relations and International Water and Environmental Law. Speakers at the conference included: Kushbakov Chyngyz Zamirbekovich, PhD in Law, Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations and Law at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic; Borissova Yuliya Sergeevna, Project Coordinator, Center for Natural Resources and Sustainable Development, KazakhGerman University; Bahadirov Murat Makhmudovich, PhD in Political Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Political Science at the University of World Economy and Diplomacy (Uzbekistan); Kazangapova Nurgul Burkitbayevna, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Forest Resources and Forestry of the Kazakh Agrotechnical Research University named after S. Seifullin; Pulatov Shavkat Yarashevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the Department of Land Reclamation, Reclamation and Land Protection of the Tajik Agrarian University named after Sh. Shotemur; Hamraev Gapurzhan Oraevich, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Head of the Department of Hydrometeorology of the Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly; Sultan Tuygunbekovich Alybaev, Senior Lecturer at the Department of World Economy and International Management at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic.

After the presentation of the reports, the conference participants actively discussed the proposed ideas, approaches and innovations aimed at solving the urgent problems of the region‘s water sector. Both practical and theoretical aspects of training specialists in the field of water resources and adapting educational programs to changing climatic conditions were considered. The Conference was an important step in strengthening cooperation between Central Asian countries in the field of sustainable water resources management and adaptation to climate change, as well as in promoting the role of higher education as the main tool for training qualified specialists to effectively address the region‘s water security issues.